
Showing posts from January, 2021

7 Habits That Really Make The Relationship Strong

  Firsts, these are very memorable events you could not deny. They may come in very varied ways but they share that common effect which is something that stays within the person. First date, what do you think about it? When the time comes that you are about to experience it or even not just the first but any romantic date for that matter, you have to carry with you tips that could make that one ordinary night or time that would let you reminisce it even years after. 1). Relax as the date starts;  get a drink for both of you if you see the need of doing so. But of course it has to go with a very nice conversation for this is what really matters. A fine start would surely carry the positive vibes all throughout the moment. 2). Be attentive,  and this does not involve the ears, you need to observe those unspoken words and signs from the other person. Be sensitive, it really matters a lot. 3). Do not think about the event in a very serious demeanor.  It may just put you...


     When we are in love the only thing on our mind is the person we fell for. Love can sometimes be blinding and this means we are more prone to making choices that can have serious negative consequences in the future. Imagine being married to a guy who thinks you are not worthy of wonderful things, does not like to be seen with you and thinks of you as nothing more than his wife or thinks you don’t have the qualities he wants in his girl. Isn’t it like the worst dream ever? So We’ve Listed Down Some Qualities And If Your Man Has Most Of Them Then Reconsider Your Choices And Don’t Marry Him! 1. MORE FOCUSED ON HIS WORK THAN YOU Soon after marriage, there is a steep rise in responsibilities and if he isn’t giving time to you right now you already know what’s going to happen after you marry him. So it’s better if he balances both but if he doesn’t let him be with his work rather than you. 2. HE DOESN’T RESPECT YOU AND ABUSES YOU Do you need another reason to break the rel...


     Science is pretty sexist, and so the body of research on female orgasms unsurprisingly lacking. But it’s getting better, more studies are being published, and we’re learning more all the time about what sets female sexuality and pleasure apart. And there’s so much to be gained from learning! Most importantly, the more is known about female orgasms, the smaller the pleasure gap gets. So read up, improve your knowledge, and get better at a very specific type of trivia. Here are 11 things you probably never knew about the female orgasm, but truly should. 1. Less than 20 percent of women can orgasm from vaginal penetration alone. According to the largest study on orgasms so far, published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy in 2017, only 18 percent of American women say they can orgasm from just vaginal penetration. Which hammers home the importance of the clitoris, bringing us to the next point… 2. More than a third of women say they need some sort of clitoral ...

6 Signs Your Man Is Secretly Unhappy With You!

    When you are in love with your man, you are ready to do anything to make him happy, no matter what it takes. However, sometimes you can do things that actually make him miserable. It’s not easy to figure out that but there are a few signs that indicate he’s truly unhappy. I’m not gonna lie to you, ladies, I’m not the best girlfriend in the world so I know exactly how to cope with an unhappy man. It’s tricky yet possible. Just asking “What’s wrong with you?” or “What did I do?” isn’t enough to make your man speak up. Unlike women, men don’t enjoy complaining. So here are warning signs your man is secretly unhappy. 1. Frequent mood swings You know him well so you can instantly recognize when he`s in a bad mood. If he looks sad then he`s not happy and that`s clear. We all have those mood swings, but not each day. If your man is in a bad mood every single day and you can’t do anything to boost his mood, it’s a warning sign. Find out the reason and try to help your man cope wi...

8 Medical reasons why you should have sex. You know, for your health.

   We’ll never object to having more sex – in any and all of its many iterations: Morning sex, shower sex, back-seat-of-the-car-sex, anniversary sex, Valentine’s Day sex, first-time-sex, make-up sex, so-loud-your-neighbours-hate-you-sex. Whatever kind you’re having, it feels pretty damn good. But that pleasure isn’t the only reason you should keep getting busy underneath the sheets: The mental and physical benefits of a healthy sex life extend far beyond your bedroom. But don’t just take our word for it. Researchers, scientists, and medical professionals have made it their mission to study exactly how sex improves nearly every facet of your life. Here, the fruits of their labour: 10 science-backed reasons you should have sex tonight. As if you needed an excuse.  1. Sex makes you happier Okay, that’s pretty much a no-brainer, but there’s actually a physiological reason why an orgasm makes you blissful. That’s because your body is flooded with oxytocin – a stress-reducing ...


   We all know that the ideal relationship doesn’t exist — even relationships that seem happy are made up of sacrifices and conversations. But despite this fact, every couple wants to have a perfect relationship without quarrels and misunderstandings. Every woman dreams of finding her charming prince and her own dream house, where she will spend a wonderful life full of happy moments and smiles. You’ll be surprised, but men also have dreams. They dream to have a perfect, caring wife and a happy, interesting life. They want you to fulfill their dreams and make them happy. We would like to show you eights secret things that every man wants from his woman. Scroll down to find out these secrets and become the right woman for him. 1. HE LIKES WHEN YOU SURPRISE HIM Your husband will appreciate your efforts to surprise him. It can be anything! Prepare him a romantic dinner, take him on an exciting trip or draw his portrait. There are so many options! 2. HE LIKES WHEN YOU ARE HONEST ...

This Is The Chart That Actually Shows How Often You Should Be Intimate!

   Everyone needs a touch of love and sensuality. But it is really important to practice healthy love-making skills, and start engaging in sensual activities when you want and with the one you truly want. Freedom in love-making choices and determination is as crucial as having a right to vote. Kinsey Institute conducted a study, based on which a report was made. It is regarding the healthy love life, the emotional conditions, lifestyle and age of the engaged individuals. We are all different individuals and thus have our own basic individual and emotional needs and demands. However, how many times each year should an individual be engaged in love-making activities has been revealed thanks to this scientifically based study. First of all, to answer the basic question – when should someone make physical love? There’s no rule, based on the emotional needs and individual urges. However, the scientific study found that a female gender is mature enough to engage in physical love at...

Women Who Org*sm More Frequently Have These 4 Things in Common

    While the female orgasm may be difficult to whittle down to an exact science, a study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior has some interesting new insights. In particular, women who have had a same-sex experience, focus on foreplay, communicate openly with their partner, and switch things up in the bedroom have more frequent orgasms. Outside the bedroom, women who were happier and more satisfied in their relationships also orgasmed with more regularity than those who were dissatisfied did. To arrive at this conclusion, the authors analyzed the orgasm frequencies of over 50,000 gay, lesbian, bisexual, and heterosexual men and women in the United States. In the end, 95% of heterosexual men orgasmed when sexually intimate compared to 86% of lesbian women and just 65% of heterosexual women. Why the chasm between heterosexual and homosexual women? Glamourtheorizes that this is because “women who have sex with women place a lower importance on [penetrative] sex (duh), ...

Your Tongue Is Trying to Tell You Something Important About Your Health

 Pain, itching, funky spots and odors—your body is always dropping you clues about what’s going on with your health. But there's one body part you probably don't consider when you're trying to get a hold on your overall wellbeing: your tongue. Diagnosing illnesses and conditions based on the color and texture of the tongue is a staple of Chinese and Western medicine, and it’s not for nothing that M.D.s ask patients to open up and say ahhhh. With this in mind, a team of researchers made the tongue the focus of a new diagnostic system designed to help people who live in remote areas. This computerized system can answer user questions about symptoms and take a digitized image of the tongue, then offer a diagnosis, states a new study outlining the system recently published in the International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology. Luckily, if you’re reading this, you probably do have some sort of access to a medical professional. So grab a hand mirror, open wide, t...

What Kind of Woman Are You According To the Month In Which You Are Born?

  According to the month, you are born you can find out what are your characteristics. JANUARY Ladies that are born in January are remarkably ambitious but rather serious and conservative. Women born in this month are prone to be very critical, yet they don’t want to talk about their own feelings. They let to approach them only people that are on the same intellectual level with them and that share the same views on life. FEBRUARY February females are very romantic, and you need to treat them with patience. Not every person can understand them, due to their changing mood. These women have a slightly abstract way of thinking. You need to know that if you betray them, you are never going to see them again. MARCH Women born in March have strong charisma and charm. They are very loyal and dedicated. These ladies are hard to fall in love. They are also very cute until you upset them. But, to live with a person that is born in March is a real pleasure. APRIL April-born females are diplo...

7 Things Only Men In Love Desire In Bed. If He Does #4 Marry Him

  Love can make people do crazy things. Have you heard about the Chinese man proposed to his girlfriend by buying 99 iPhone’s in order to impress her? Needless to say that things didn’t go well for him, but it was a happy day for Apple! Or that skydiving proposal that almost went wrong! Sometimes gestures of love seem cheesy or forced, but if your man does any of the following, it means that he REALLY loves you. Smooch After Smooch! Your lips are 100 times more sensitive than the tips of your fingers and passionate kissing burns 6.4 calories per minute! So if your man keeps kissing you over and over again, regardless of where you two are, it means that he REALLY loves you! Either that or he wants to skip cardio at the gym. Men love to show off their woman and the connection they have in public by kissing. They also seem to be unable to control themselves, so essentially, more kisses mean more love. Slap It, Squeeze It, Shake It, Kiss It Before you call the police, no…we aren’t tal...

7 Signs Your Guardian Angel Is Trying to Contact You

  Angels are spiritual beings, which guide us. Although they have a much different frequency compared to humans, their guidance comes in the form of channeled messages, dreams, and directly receiving insight. Therefore, there are many signs which show us that the angels are around us and they are trying to contact us. These signs may seem small and meaningless at the beginning, but over time they may increase in frequency and size. These spiritual beings send us signs, which are a symbolic reminder of their love and support. Therefore, we present you some of the most common signs from the angels. You may start noticing these signs because you need some validation or answer to a question you may have asked, or they may serve to simply remind you your angels are with you. 7 COMMON ANGEL SIGNS FEATHERS If you find feathers on your path, it is one of the signs of the angels. This is an amazing reminder that angels are near, loving and supporting you. If you experience this situation, ...